My children pleaded for a puppy.
I used to defer the canine acquisition by saying we couldn’t afford it. How
much does it cost to have a puppy?
*Even a shelter pup runs about
$60, but this includes puppy shots and neutering, which is a deal.
* You can buy a purebred dog that
will run at least hundred dollars, usually more. Registered dogs are for those
who expect to breed or show dogs professionally. Read not a pet quality animal.
* Be aware if you buy your dog
from a pet shop or puppy mill. It is likely to have various canine diseases,
which will result in expensive vet bills, and the possibility of your dog still
dying shortly after purchase.
*Equipment such as stainless
steel bowls, collar and leash, dog bed, and kennel, and a few chew toys will
cost $100-$200 depending on the dog’s adult size. If someone gives you a dog
with all the associated supplies, ask questions.
*This brings me to the hidden
expense of animal destruction. Yes, housetraining may involve ruined carpets.
Teething may put the bite on furniture and electrical cords. My hound ate
through five electric blanket cords and one laptop cord.
Read up on the breeds, some
breeds never give past the chewing stage. Some are a bit of loners and do not
make good pets.
*Long hair breeds, even curly
breeds need regular grooming 3-4 times a year at the cost of $40 a visit.
(These may be slightly higher in
your area. Remember when I said the shelter pup was a bargain. He already has
his first shots, probably wormed, and has a voucher to be neutered.)
Puppy shots (series of 3)
Fecal exam and worming
Rabies (1, then every 3
Spay (one time expense)
Neuter (one time expense)
Heartworm check
Preventative pills
License ( depends on
where you live usually
Some people
make the mistake that their dog doesn’t need shots. Consequences include not being able to have
your dog groomed, kenneled, participate in any type of dog show, or even the Dog
Park, and possible expensive bills to treat illnesses.
License is
another thing most people don’t consider. Consider if the dogcatcher picks up
your dog and he has a license he’ll be held for about a week. If not, he can be
put down immediately. Without a license,
it is as much as $70 to get your dog back. Think of the horror of not be able
to afford to rescue the family pet from certain death.
These are some ways to trim
Large pet
stores and Tractor Supply often
offer shot clinics and checkups at reduced prices. A large dog can get a
five-way shot for about $58. (Compare
this to the $88-$113 at an office visit.)
Groom your
dog yourself. This is a good reason to go with a shorthair that never needs a
Bargain shop
for supplies. You might be able to snag a kennel or dog dishes at a yard sale.
Keep your
dog healthy, by keeping its vaccinations up to date, fresh water, and dog food.
The cost of
owning a dog varies on size and grooming needs expect to pay around $350-$650. ( This does not include the price of the pooch.)
Suddenly a
cat sounds like a better bet. Be aware cat expenses are around
This does
not include the price of the cat, but the bulk of the expense is litter. Litter
will run as much about $100. More than one cat will cost more.
buying or accepting a pet, be sure you have the time and money to take care of
it. A older, housebroken dog might be a better bet for your nerves and the carpet.
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